The Power of AND in Marketing with Ian McGrath
Ian McGrath is the Global Media Director at Pokerstars and joins the show to share his insights about balancing brand building AND tactical activations, creating strategy AND executing with tactics, loyalty and penetration and, leveraging mental AND physical availability.Timestamps1:33 – Intro to Ian McGrath
5:06 – The power of AND in marketing
8:18 – The customer doesn’t know the difference between performance and brand marketing
11:14 – Customers should be at the centre of strategy, not our classification of marketing tactics
14:27 – Why marketers obsession with small numbers is a problem
16:24 – Is ROI a good metric for marketing?
19:36 – The problem with over segmenting the market and mass personalized ads
24:38 – The strengths and weaknesses of customer journeys and the marketing funnel
29:14 – Why customer experience matters in building physical and digital availability
32:03 – The value of excess share of voice (eSOV) and share of search
38:12 – Find out more about Ian & PokerstarsLinks to Ian's postsIan's 'poem' about AND on LinkedInLead generation isn't the only goalCustomer JourneysBalancing Loyalty and Penetration
Listen Here: A-Cast Episode 32: The Power of AND in Marketing with Ian McGrathSubscribe to the A-Cast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Follow Anstice Communications on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on the A-Cast and agency news.